微醺預訂 | 夜幕降臨,品嘗雞尾酒的迷人繾綣吧
2023-09-05 20:23 admin
Opera BOMBANA全新雞尾酒
Opera BOMBANA’s new cocktail menu fuses classic recipes with our bartender’s own creative flair for a vibrant selection of drinks perfect for sipping on early autumn nights.
Pandan Sour
This cocktail recalls the tropical magic of a Southeast Asian evening. Pandan leaves give the cocktail a light green colour and wonderful fragrance, while fresh pineapple juice adds a balance of sweet and sour flavours.
Red Stormy
A red-hued cocktail that evokes the passion of a night of drinking and dancing. The elegant glass is like a slender stiletto heel, drawing you in and making you want more.
Caramel Whisky Sour
Whisky Sour的歷史可以追溯到1860年,從此甜、酸、烈的組合成爲經典雞尾酒架構之一。香甜和果香柔和了威士忌的辛烈,蛋清的加入令口感更綿密富有層次,這份經典穿越百年,依舊是經典雞尾酒中的不二之選。
The history of the Whiskey Sour can be traced back to 1860, and it has become one of the world’s most iconic cocktails. The addition of sweet and fruity notes softens the whiskey, while egg white adds body that helps the drink linger on the palate.
Kico Daiquiri
The rum-based daiquiri has had many famous fans, including Ernest Hemingway and President Kennedy. Opera BOMBANA blends in coconut and lemon, softening the harsh notes of the rum and adding a hint of summertime sweetness.
Berry Martini
Who says you can only have coffee in the morning and alcohol in the evening? The collision of caffeine and alcohol create a wonderfully intoxicating drink that will have you coming back for more.
As the night falls and the stars come out
Take a seat at the Opera BOMBANA bar
And allow a cocktail to wash away
the worries of the day
標題:微醺預訂 | 夜幕降臨,品嘗雞尾酒的迷人繾綣吧
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