金睿達低度酒包裝設計 | 果酒高檔包裝設計
2024-04-10 20:02 admin
客戶 :高木酒造(湖北)酒業有限公司
作品名稱 :高木酒造
設計項目 :包裝
設計團隊 :JRD 金睿達
Gaomu wine is a low-alcohol wine packaging desian of fruit wine. In the creation of thebottle shape, we adopted the design of water drop, and added traditional cork toretain its fragrance. The bottle body extracted the local West Lancapu patternelements from Enshi, and put the focus of the bottleneck part of the ribbon. which isfashionable and atmospheric.
標題:金睿達低度酒包裝設計 | 果酒高檔包裝設計
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